Small Group Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a small group?
A small group is made up of 10-12 people getting together at someone’s home on a weekly basis to learn, share and support each other. An average meeting lasts 90 minutes. The focus is on developing friendships that are significant and extend beyond the weekly meeting.

2. Why should I join a small group? 
The Bible says “It’s not good for man to be alone.” Have you been trying to do life all by yourself? Personal growth and spiritual maturity takes time and trusted friends to help us along. In a small group we can easily ask questions that we wouldn’t ask in a large group.

3. What will we study? 
Many of the small groups will cover topics from the previous week’s sermon and apply them to our lives. Click here for sermon videos and study questions available here on our website. Some groups will study DVD based curriculum or books of the Bible.

4. Can I bring my kids? 
The small groups are designed for adults to get together and talk. Sociologists tell us that personal growth and spiritual maturity are best nurtured when there are minimal interruptions during our adult discussions. Some groups allow for kids and some not. Sometimes families share a sitter amongst the group. You can search our website group finder for which groups allow kids.

5. How do I choose a small group?
We strongly suggest you join a group that represents your station in life rather than location. It is our hope that with this strategy you will meet people that you likely will spend a weekend with or vacation together.

6. When should I join a small group? 
Once you decide to attend Adventure regularly, it is a good time to look to connect with the other believers at Adventure. During September, January, and May, we celebrate small groups by creating new and opening existing groups so that people can sign up. In between those times, you can look on our website to see if there are any open groups that interest you or you can visit us at the Small Groups table in the lobby after the weekend services.

7. Do I have to be a member of Adventure to join a group? 
No. Adventure groups are open to anyone. However small groups aren’t designed to be a replacement for going to church. We believe that a small group is one of three vital components to spiritual growth and personal development.

1. Regular church attendance.

2. Regular attendance in a small group.

3. Service to the church body and community on a regular basis.

8. What if I can’t find a small group? 
Finding a small group may take a few tries; while you are working through the process, please take the opportunity to connect with us! A great option is serving at the church. A church of this size has literally hundreds of ways to serve in a way and schedule that will fit your commitment level. Another option is attending a bible study at church. We have many study options during the week and on Sunday morning. Check out one of our study classes held Sunday mornings here at Adventure. Throughout Bible history many men and women had to step forward before God revealed Himself to them (ex. Exod. 3:4, 14:15). I urge you, with truth and love, to take your first step in connecting here and let God direct your path.

9. Who can I call if I need some direction?
Call Bryan Hardwick at (916) 771-5683 x 1106 or email him at