Bryce Jessup

Bryce and his wife Jo Jessup have three children, 7 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. All three children are in full time vocational ministry along with their spouses. Bryce grew up in a Christian home where his dad was the minister. He gave his live to Christ and was baptized when he was 10 years old. Bryce has served for the past 25 years as President of William Jessup University, and just retired in May of 2010, though he continues to serve the University in a reduced roll. His hobbies include fly fishing, backpacking, Ping Pong and ham radio. He has the Spiritual gifts of leadership, encouragement, teaching and preaching. His favorite Scripture is Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” What he loves most about Adventure are the people, and their passion to be both a local and a global fellowship of “world changers”. He loves the serving impact Adventure is making in the community and upon all who walk through it’s doors.

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