Brad Dacus

Brad is married to Susanne and they have two children, Austin who is 10 and Amy who is 8. Brad has been a Christian since 3rd grade, when he was 9 years old. He heard the pastor’s sermon on salvation, knew he was a sinner and needed forgiveness and it just clicked. When the hymn began for the altar call he stepped forward and came down the aisle by himself and he prayed to God. He became a radical zealot for Jesus at the age of 9 . His first case came right after that as he petitioned his school library to put a Bible in the library – and they did! Brad is an attorney, and is the President of the Pacific Justice Institute. He also is a guest preacher at churches. Brad’s hobby is spending time with his wife and kids. His Spiritual gifts are evangelism, leadership, and he is a visionary. His favorite Scripture is Philippians 4:13 – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” What he loves most about Adventure is how they reach out to everyone in the community in a personal way through their ministries. He especially
has seen first hand how lives have been changed through Adventure. He has seen God’s hand raising Adventure up and has seen the fruit produced at this church in real and tangible ways through changed lives.

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