Thank you for your interest in serving!  It takes hundreds of volunteers each CHRIST-mas season to care for all of the people God brings to Adventure.   We are honored to have you on the team!
Please select the area(s) you prefer.  Selecting multiple options indicates that you would like to serve during each of those times. We will contact you to discuss more details, including the specific area in which you’ll be serving.  You are also welcome to serve at both services on a particular day.

Inside - may include:  Bulletin distribution, offering collection, seating ushers, cleanup, refreshments, greeting, supporting our Santa & family photo areas, volunteer care, and medical team (please notify us if you are a first responder when you are contacted).

Outside - may include:  Greeting, parking, craft tent, train rides, petting zoo, carriage rides, live nativity set up and teardown, and s’mores station.